Monday, November 14, 2016

olive branch dog parks open!

I'm excited for a local dog park! usually me and Laela have to go to Overton or Shelby Farms.
Its nice to have a place to bring your dogs and not have to worry about them running away and they can make friends!

I love anything suspenseful, Mary Higgins Clark is one of my favorite authors. I don't normally read books, but when i do i read hers. Daddy's Little Girl and The Cradle Will Fall are two of my favorites. Clark paints an image in her details so you feel like you are in the story. She is very creative at coming up with scary and realistic stories.  I like how she always adds and unexpected twist. I don't have too many negative things to say about her. some books are really similar in ways, and some of them can get a little boring when she goes into too much details.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Favorite food and shows!

One of my favorite things to eat is sushi. I love sushi, and i'm not too picky about what kinda sushi it is as long as it is fresh and delicious. I also love Chinese food too.
As much as i love Oriental food i could never pass up a BBQ sandwich. 

i spend a lot of time in front of the TV, ( i know its bad) but i do have several favorite shows.
One of my favorite show is Grey's Anatomy, i love how there is always something going on in the show. you never know what will happen next. 
I also really enjoy Dexter and Son's of Anarchy. If its full of action and suspense, more than likely i will or have watched it. And of course we cant forget The Walking Dead!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Getting to know Laela

Laela is a 6 year old lab/pitbull mix. She was adopted from Southaven Animal Shelter at 10 weeks.
Laela is more like a child than a dog. If she doesn't get what she wants she will throw a temper tantrum until she gets her way. By temper tantrum I mean she will bark and whine until you lose your mind and finally give in. All she usually wants is to go for a ride in the car or play fetch. These two things are what Laela lives for. If you make eye contact with her you better get ready to scratch her butt cause she is going to make you. She loves anybody and everybody and always wants all the attention. Her tail is deadly and has been known to break or knock off anything a table within butt wiggle reach.