Friday, October 21, 2016

Getting to know Laela

Laela is a 6 year old lab/pitbull mix. She was adopted from Southaven Animal Shelter at 10 weeks.
Laela is more like a child than a dog. If she doesn't get what she wants she will throw a temper tantrum until she gets her way. By temper tantrum I mean she will bark and whine until you lose your mind and finally give in. All she usually wants is to go for a ride in the car or play fetch. These two things are what Laela lives for. If you make eye contact with her you better get ready to scratch her butt cause she is going to make you. She loves anybody and everybody and always wants all the attention. Her tail is deadly and has been known to break or knock off anything a table within butt wiggle reach.


  1. Has to be one of the cutest dogs ever

  2. She is too cute! I have 2 fur babies of mine own and i would not trade them for the world! Keep that baby happy!!!

  3. I have a lab/pit too and she's the sweetest thing!!
